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Materials Discovery HITs


Research Participant Disclosure: This task is part of a study being conducted by Cornell University researchers and data will be collected for research purposes. Participation is anonymous besides your IP address and any email or other communication you choose to make. No compensation will be provided. Participation is voluntary; if you choose not to participate, simply do not continue with the task.

Identify Patterns of Vertical Lines

Identify the most prominent pattern (Pattern A) and, if applicable, up to two additional patterns (Pattern B and Pattern C) intersecting the Target Row. Mark the most definite and identifiable vertical lines/blobs by clicking on them with the appropriate mode selected.

Instructions (click to show/hide)

For more detailed examples and instructions, you might wish to review the content from the tutorial and qualification test (link opens in a new window).

  1. Look at the image to identify patterns of related vertical lines/blobs.
  2. Determine which patterns intersect the Target Row.
  3. In Definitely in Pattern A mode:
    1. Choose the pattern with the most identifiable vertical lines/blobs.
    2. Click the most certain vertical line/blob in the Primary Pattern.
    3. Click any other vertical lines/blobs that you are nearly as certain are part of the primary pattern.
    4. Drag and drop the top and bottom handles on one of the markers to mark the extent and angle of the pattern; you can also drag individual segments of the marker if needed.
    5. Matches are indicated with white dots along each marker, while mismatches or ambiguous matches are denoted with black dots.
  4. In Definitely in Pattern B or C modes:
    1. Look at the other pattern(s) crossing the Target Row, which we call Pattern B and Pattern C.
    2. Click any vertical lines/blobs that are definitely part of Pattern B or C, with a similar level of certainty as in the previous step.
    3. If none of the vertical lines/blobs are nearly as clear as Pattern A, don't mark any.
  5. It is best to mark more than one line/blob per pattern. However, if it is not possible to do so, you can just mark a single line/blob and move on.

Tip: Use the buttons immediately below the image to change the color scale and emphasize different aspects of the image

Example (click to show/hide)
Pattern marking example


HIT Image

Any comments or notes on this particular image?

Any feedback on the instructions or the design of the task?

Clicking the [Next] button indicates your acceptance and consent to participate in the research described at the beginning of the task, and will submit your response for this task to the server.